Thursday, February 12, 2009

Global Warming and the Vegetarian Solution Gathering Acceptance

Recently the amount of information coming out about the devastating effects of meat eating on the ecology of the planet has been mind boggling.

Supreme Master Television has been moving forward in leaps and bounds as their television station can now be viewed in every corner of the world on their extensive satellite network, and also via the internet. Supreme Master Television was one of the first media outlets to point out the strong correlation between raising livestock, global warming, pollution, water problems and the global food crisis.

Also recently the European Vegetarian and Animal News Alliance (EVANA) launched a campaign against the raising of livestock which involves a petition that is sent to The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, in an attempt to get the UN to recognize vegetarianism as a valid solution to global warming.

Dr. Rajendra Pachauri,Chief of UN IPCC on a Win-Win Situation for the Planet: Go Vegetarian!

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